My Family in Christ!
My Family in Christ!

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Elizabeth + Abraham

No Turning Back
No Turning Back

Oleh: Rei + Yulia +Alda + Dave

To Be Like HIM!
To Be Like HIM!

Oleh: Rei + Erna + Yulia + Steven

I Will Follow HIM!
I Will Follow HIM!

Oleh: Nehe + Yulia + Rode + Nathan

Living Sacrifice
Living Sacrifice

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Diarfi + Yoes

Purpose Driven Life
Purpose Driven Life

Oleh: Nehe + Rei + Ester +Miracle

Spiritual Discipline
Spiritual Discipline

Oleh: Rei + Santi + Melisa + Elia

Strong Foundation
Strong Foundation

Oleh: Rei + Evie + Ira + Nuel

Is Online Church Enough?
Is Online Church Enough?

Oleh: Rei + Evie + Rismauli + Elan

Life Well Lived
Life Well Lived

Oleh: Rei + Santi + Floren + Dian

Growing Together
Growing Together

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Michelle + Erianto

Good Circle of Friends
Good Circle of Friends

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Nadya + Agung

I Am With You Always
I Am With You Always

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Anna + Andry

You Are The Light of the World
You Are The Light of the World

Oleh: Rei + Evie + Stefani +Agas

Go and Tell!
Go and Tell!

Oleh: Nehemia + Evie + Erwin + Priskila

O Death, Where Is Your Sting?
O Death, Where Is Your Sting?

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Citra + Yehezkiel

Easter Around the World
Easter Around the World

Oleh: Rei + Evie + Gisella + Joseph

He Died For Me and You
He Died For Me and You

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Alda + Frans

Peace Maker
Peace Maker

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Cindy + Leo

Why Him?
Why Him?

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Elsha + Franz

Reach The Unreached!
Reach The Unreached!

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Britania + Nehemia

Bahasa Ibu adalah Bahasa Hati
Bahasa Ibu adalah Bahasa Hati

Oleh: Rei + Evie + Denok + Andhika

Love is a Decision + 1st anniversary SABDA Youth
Love is a Decision + 1st...

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Evie + Leo

How Deep is His Love?
How Deep is His Love?

Oleh: Rei + Yulia + Gabrella + Rialdi